
This is the Mitchell's Blog, where you'll find the most up to the minute store news and community happenings. For even more about the store, and to see the latest merchandise arrivala, go to the Website: www.mitchellhardwareonline.com

Uniques Gifts & More!

Shop Mitchell's for unique gifts like Garden things, Boating gear, Kitchen stuff, Sauces, Cookbooks, Gadgets, Books, Pottery, Enamelware, Stainless Cookware, New Bern Logo items, and Mitchell Hardware Logo Stuff... Hats, Shirts, Gloves, Tote Bags... and More!
• Free Gift Wrapping • Yes, We Can Ship it For You! • Open Six Days a Week!
And just in time for Fall, check out these unique, and gifty items:

Take a tour inside the store!