
This is the Mitchell's Blog, where you'll find the most up to the minute store news and community happenings. For even more about the store, and to see the latest merchandise arrivala, go to the Website: www.mitchellhardwareonline.com

The Big Snow of January 2014

Good Thursday morning everyone! Yes, indeed... we ARE open. The streets are getting clearer, and clearer. The sidewalks too! If you can make it out of your neighborhoods, come on downtown! (this photo was taken Wednesday morning before any snow had been removed.)

Brrrrr. It's cold in New Bern!

Poor "Mitchell Bear" had to stand watch out in those frigid temperatures last night! Single Digit temperatures all over the area! Check out the snow on Mitchell Bear's snout and bare feet.

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all a very happy (and safe) New Year, from your friends at Mitchell Hardware!

Take a tour inside the store!